Academic Publications
2017. Taylor C. Nelms, Bill Maurer, Lana Swartz, and Scott Mainwaring, “Social Payments:
Innovation, Trust, Bitcoin, and the Sharing Economy,” Theory, Culture and Society
2017. Bill Maurer, “Blockchains are a Diamond’s Best Friend: Zelizer for the Bitcoin
Moment,” in Money Talks (Princeton University Press), 215-229.
2017. Bill Maurer, “Distributed Accounts: Money as Token and Money as Record,” in Distributed Agency (Oxford University Press), 109-116.
2016. Bill Maurer, “Re-Risking in Realtime. On Possible Futures for Finance after
the Blockchain,” Behemoth: A Journal on Civilization 9(2): 82-96.
2015. Omri Marian, "A Conceptual Framework for the Regulation of Cryptocurrencies,"
82 University of Chicago Law Review Dialogue 53.
2013. Omri Marian, "Are Cryptocurrencies 'Super' Tax Havens?" 112 Michigan Law Review First Impressions 38.
Public Scholarship
2018. Omri Marian, “Does the IRS Get a Cut of Bitcoin Cash?” Coindesk, March 30.
2015. Taylor C. Nelms, “‘Ecuador Bans Bitcoin!’ A Monetary Mix-Up.” King’s Review, October 20.
2015. Bill Maurer and Quinn DuPont, “Ledgers and Law in the Blockchain.” King’s Review, June 23.